Centaur SHA256 for Windows Documentation Version 1.0 1/7/2023 http://www.centaur.pw 1. About Centaur SHA256 2. Version Information 3. Main Window 4. Multiple Files Window 5. Text Input Window 6. Checksum Utility Window 7. Keyboard Shortcuts 1. About Centaur SHA256 ----------------------- Centaur SHA256 is a utility for quickly and easily checking SHA256 hashes of files and text input on Windows computers. This version of Centaur SHA256 can be downloaded at: http://www.centaur.pw/software/sha256/centaur_sha256-win-1.0.zip The files included in the ZIP archive are CentaurSHA256.exe and CentaurSHA256.txt. No installation is required; however, it is recommended to copy these files to a new directory. 2. Version Information ---------------------- * Redesigned user interface. * Greatly improved menu and keyboard interface. * The program can check any number of files at a time. * Files can be checked by dragging and dropping them onto the main program window as well as the program icon. * Text input is handled in a separate window, and the SHA256 hash of the input text box is automatically updated with each keystroke. 3. Main Window -------------- Centaur SHA256 can be loaded in an empty state or started with one or more file parameters. Dragging and dropping a file onto the program icon will display the SHA256 hash for that file in the main window. In addition, files can be dropped onto the main window. The Browse button and Select File(s) menu item also support multiple file selection. Drag-and-drop operations are only permitted in the main window. The letters in the SHA256 hash shown in the main window can be displayed in either lowercase or uppercase. 4. Multiple Files Window ------------------------ The Multiple Files window only opens when the user checks the SHA256 hash of multiple files at once by dragging and dropping the files onto the icon, the main window, or selecting them through the Select File(s) dialog box. The hashes and file names are displayed one per line in the standard SHA256 checksum format. This information can then be saved to a file through the File menu or by pressing Ctrl+S. The letters in the SHA256 hashes in this window are always given in lowercase. 5. Text Input Window -------------------- The Text Input window allows the user to check the SHA256 hash of string input. Text can be imported from the File menu or entered into the text box. The SHA256 hash shown at the bottom of the window updates automatically when a change is made in the text box. The Edit menu contains all the common text operations, e.g. cut, copy, and paste. Word Wrap and Always On Top can also be toggled in this menu. Text operations are also contained in the right-click menu. This window is resizable and retains all entered text until it is explicitly cleared or the main window is closed. The letters in the SHA256 hash shown in this window can be displayed in either lowercase or uppercase. 6. Checksum Utility Window -------------------------- The Checksum Utility window contains two panels which work independently of one another: Compare and Validate Checksum File. The Compare panel is used to ensure the SHA256 hash of a file is correct. Only one hash and file can be checked at a time, and the SHA256 hash must be entered before the user can select the corresponding file. Once a file has been selected, the result will be displayed in the panel as PASS or FAIL. The user-entered SHA256 hash in this panel should contain lowercase letters. The Validate Checksum File panel is used to verify the integrity of an SHA256 checksum file. The file must be in the correct format and should only contain names of files and not their full paths. Before the checksum file can be selected, the user must first set the working directory, i.e. the location of the files listed in the checksum file. Once the checksum file has been selected, the result will be displayed in the panel as PASS or FAIL for each file. If all items fail, an error message will inform the user and suggest an incorrect path has been selected. The total number of files checked, files passed, and files failed is listed in the text box and in the status bar. Only valid SHA256 checksum files should be selected. An invalid file may cause unexpected behavior. 7. Keyboard Shortcuts --------------------- Most menu items in each window have an associated keyboard shortcut. Main Window: F1 - View program documentation F2 - Open Text Input window F3 - Open Checksum Utility window F4 - Toggle between lowercase and uppercase letters in the SHA256 hash F5 - Get SHA256 hash (not necessary, as the SHA256 hash is automatically displayed when a file is selected) F6 - Open file selection window F7 - Keep the Centaur SHA256 window on top of all other windows Ctrl+H - Copy SHA256 hash to the clipboard Del - Reset the program to its default state Esc - Exit the program Multiple Files Window: Ctrl+S - Save contents as SHA256 checksum file Esc - Close the Multiple Files window Text Input Window: F2 - Load text from file (opens file selection dialog) F4 - Toggle between lowercase and uppercase letters in the SHA256 hash F5 - Get SHA256 hash (not necessary, as the SHA256 hash is automatically updated as text is modified) F6 - Keep the Text Input window on top of all other windows Ctrl+A - Select all text in the input window Ctrl+C - Copy selected text Ctrl+D - Copy all text in the input window Ctrl+H - Copy SHA256 hash to the clipboard Ctrl+V - Paste contents of the clipboard Ctrl+W - Toggle Word Wrap on or off Ctrl+X - Cut selected text Ctrl+Y - Redo previous Undo Ctrl+Z - Undo most recent change Ctrl+Del - Reset the window to its default state Esc - Close the Text Input window Checksum Utility Window: F2 - Select file to be compared against entered SHA256 hash F3 - Open working directory selection dialog F4 - Open checksum file selection dialog Ctrl+W - Toggle Word Wrap on or off Esc - Close the Checksum Utility window __________ Revision 0